Case study and cooperative learning in the university
Palabras clave:
Case study, cooperative learning, higher education, university, teamwork, curriculumResumen
Designing syllabuses according to how competences develop demands major methodological changes. The case method is one of the most suitable teaching and learning strategies that can be used to develop competences geared towards teamwork and encouraging collaboration. METHOD:
Two groups from the second year leading to the Social Education qualification were selected (one in Basque and the other in Spanish), together with a further two from the same year leading to the Pedagogy qualification in both languages. Group enabling techniques were used in one of the two
degree course groups, while the strategy to be pursued for the case method was developed in the other group without their help. Students assessed the experience using a group diary. RESULTS: Data shows that students are satisfied with the learning activities carried out in class, the competences attached to the qualification are developed satisfactorily, and, generally speaking, the experimental groups function better than the control groups. The effectiveness of group work is closely linked to variables of a relational nature. DISCUSSION: Cooperation, help and the supervision of tasks among group members encourage interaction and a sense of security among
students who are experiencing difficulties in achieving learning objectives. Students who feel that they are being backed up by their group on an academic, affective and relational level are probably going to find themselves in a more secure, inclusive and cosy working context.
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