Guidance in higher education. Putting experience to work


  • Marita Sánchez Moreno Universidad de Sevilla

Palabras clave:

Mentoring, Higher Education, Mentors


Spanish Universities are going through critical and decisive moments. The challenges they will face during the next few years are related in a high degree with the process of European convergence, which will imply important changes, both conceptual and structural. University teacher education will undoubtedly be one of the main bases areas affected by such a process of change. However, this is an area which has traditionally been forgotten within our universities. This paper, therefore, proposes the introduction of systematic and institutionalized processes of advisement mentoring programme as a tool for university teacher education. To do this, it will be proposed that universities take advantage of their own human resources and teaching experience. So, experienced teachers can be involved in advisement processes addressed to beginners due to both, their mastering of matters and their deep understanding of the organizational culture. The paper analyzes the role, characteristics and preparation requirements of such mentor teachers, as well as the activities to be carried out and the difficulties encountered while carrying out their role. This analysis will be accompanied by an experience developed at the University of Seville.


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