A comparison study: Sources of pedagogical content knowledge for teaching secondary English


  • Pamela L. Grossman Universidad de Standford

Palabras clave:

pedagogical content knowledge, teacher education, case studies.


Grossman investigated the influence of subject-specific course-work in the development of pedagogical content knowledge in English through contrasting case studies of six beginning English teachers, only three of whom graduated from teacher education. She describes the differences in the teacher’knowledge regarding the purposes for teaching secondary English, curricular knowledge, and knowledge of student understanding. The study poses a number of implications for policy, research, and practice regarding teacher education: developing body of research on the knowledge base of teaching, particularly to the conceptualization of pedagogical content knowledge; and rethinking the subject matter for a pedagogical perspective.

Biografía del autor/a

Pamela L. Grossman , Universidad de Standford

Profesora en la Universidad de Standford


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