Teachers who leave a mark. Personal biography and professional identity in memorable teachers


  • Silvia A. Branda Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
  • Luis Porta Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Palabras clave:

professional identity, memorable professors, narratives, professional development


Fernández Cruz (1994), states that identity relates to the building of one-self in the interaction
with others. Professional identification in teaching is a slow process. Some people start undergoing
this process in childhood, some others with their professional practice. In this research advance
we analyze the life story of a university teacher from the Faculty of Architecture, Mar del Plata
National University (UNMdP) previously identified as a memorable professor by his students. A
deep cycle called biographical stimulated self theme (Kelchterman, 1993) in which the professor is
led to reconstruct his biography and its sense, stems from the understanding and reconstruction of
his professional life. This allows us to organize, focus, interpret, understand and validate what he
is narrating. In this way tensions understood as categories emerge, associated to the meaning the
professor himself gives to his own personal, professional experience and development.


