History of the Curriculum: Early 20th Century American Schooling As a Cultural Thesis About Who the Child is and Should Be


  • Thomas S. Popkewitz Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison (USA)

Palabras clave:

Politics of school knowledge, pedagogies, schooling, education sciences


This essay considers schooling as planning to change the conditions of people that changed people. The production of schooling and its sciences were not produced through an evolutionary process. They were assembled through an uneven flow of events, ideas, institutions and narratives. Further and to play with a fashionable of globalization, schooling and its sciences were embodied in a field of practices that transverse and were differentiated across Europe and North America into the early 20th century. The cultural theses in pedagogy embodied values and norms about the hope of the future of the nation through making of the child; and with that hope was the recognition and production of differences.


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