What is the role of private subsidized schools? The school segregation of immigrants in Catalonia (2001-06)


  • Òscar Valiente Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Palabras clave:

choice school, school segregation, private education, isolation, inequality, immigration


School choice policies in Catalonia, as well in Spain and some countries in continental Europe, lie in public funding of private dependent schools (i.e. concerted schools in Spain). The paper analyses the evolution of school segregation of immigrant students in Catalonia, from 2001 to 2006; and the influence of the concerted sector in its evolution. The Catalan education system shows high unevenness (D) and isolation (I) in the schooling of immigrant students from 2001 to 2006. Enrollment in private dependent schools is only one of the causes of school segregation in Catalonia. The role of the private dependent sector, with regard to the schooling of immigrant students, varies largely across municipalities. However, not only between sectors segregation is important. Unevenness between public schools, within some municipalities, it is strongly associated with the isolation of immigrant students.


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