Policies that support professional development in an era of reform


  • Linda Darling-Hammond Universidad de Stanford
  • Wallin Milbrey McLaughlin Universidad de Stanford

Palabras clave:

teachers’ professional development, reforming curriculum policy, new designs for professional development, support for policy-makers


Understanding the conditions through which teachers’ acquisition and use of new knowledge and skills are enhanced informs our understanding of effective models of professional development. In this article the authors examine some design principles to guide policy-makers and school reformers who seek to promote learner-centred professional development which involves teachers as active and reflective participants in the change process. They aimed to explore: the role of teachers as learners and teachers, new designs
for professional development; school culture and how it relates to critical enquiry; elements of effective curriculum frameworks; messages emerging for policy-makers and administrators concerned with professional development for teachers

Biografía del autor/a

Linda Darling-Hammond, Universidad de Stanford

Profesora Emeritus de la Universidad de Stanford. Fundadora del Centro de Políticas en Educación y Servicios. Presidenta de la Asociación Americana de Investigación Educativa (AERA)

Wallin Milbrey McLaughlin, Universidad de Stanford

Prosora Emeritus de la Universidad de Stanford


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