On histories, standards, accountability and the end of the curriculum: Barry M. Franklin’s return to Granada
Palabras clave:
School, International competition, Educational standards, The end of curriculum?Resumen
To the thread of Franklin's and Johnson's reflections on the evolution of the American curriculum in the last half century, we sketch some consequences of the new thought currents here in the curricular politics and in the faculty's formation. While in the past it was demanded to the school so much the formation of people that was competent in their productive facet as civic, being granted a great relevance to the problems related with the selection and the organization of the content in the widest context in cosmo-views in conflict, the application to the school of a mercantile approach of success, with the reduction of the citizen to mere consumer, it would have deprived from sense to these classic tasks. Since, once defined by the administration the new educational standards, the work of the educational ones would decrease to the election of the teaching strategy that guarantees a bigger efficiency - measurable, in order to surrender bills - in its attainment. That which, according to some, it would already have meant the end of the curriculumCitas
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