Secondary School Teachers and Education Quality: A framework of policy options for teacher education and professional development


  • Juan Manuel Moreno Olmedilla Banco Mundial, Washington DC y UNED, Madrid

Palabras clave:

Secondary School Teachers, Professional Development, In-service teacher training, Teacher Policies


Qualified secondary school teachers are becoming a precious commodity in many developed and developing countries. They tend to be the hardest segment for the teaching profession to attract, the most expensive to educate and the most difficult to retain in schools. The numbers of unqualified teachers tend to be much higher for secondary than for primary education in almost every developing country. And the attrition rates of secondary education teachers are the highest in the teaching profession, especially for male teachers and for those in high-demand areas, such as mathematics, science and technology (OECD, 2004). In such a difficult context, this paper sets out with the assumption that there is a deep – and perhaps increasing – gap between the new key competencies which every secondary school graduate is supposed to master in the knowledge society and the teaching competencies with which teachers are “equipped” after they graduate from universities and/or teacher training institutions. In the current scenario of strong pressure for the democratization of secondary education all over the world, such a gap appears to be the most critical bottleneck for the expansion of quality secondary education. Based on the analysis of secondary school teacher training policies and practices in six developing countries (Chile, Mexico, Ghana, Senegal, Cambodia and Vietnam) (Moreno, 2005), the paper concludes proposing a policy framework and policy options for teacher training and teacher development which could also be useful for developed countries.

Biografía del autor/a

Juan Manuel Moreno Olmedilla , Banco Mundial, Washington DC y UNED, Madrid

 Senior Education Specialist at the Department of Middle East and North Africa of the World Bank. Having worked in education development projects in over 25 countries of Latin America, Central Asia and Eastern Europe, he is currently responsible for the Bank´s education portfolio in Jordan and Lebanon and manages the Arab Regional Agenda for Improving Education Quality (ARAIEQ). Before joining the Bank in 2002, he was Associate Professor of Education at the Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED) in Spain. From 1999 to 2002 he served as Vice-Rector of International Relations of UNED and as the Secretary General of the Ibero-American Association of Higher Distance Education (AIESAD). Dr. Moreno has been a visiting scholar at SUNY Buffalo (USA), and at the University of Niejmegen (The Netherlands). He also served as consultant and evaluator for the European Commission and UNESCO. Dr. Moreno co-authored (with Ernesto Cuadra) the first World Bank policy report on Secondary Education: Expanding Opportunities and Building Competencies for Young People: a New Agenda for Secondary Education (2005). He has also published eight books and nearly 100 journal articles and book chapters in the fields of curriculum development, education reform and school improvement, and teacher professional development.


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