Ethics in Service-Learning (S-L): A meta-analysis from Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)
Palabras clave:
Service-Learning, Ethics, Ethics Education, Teacher Training, Conflict of Interest,Resumen
The scientific research of the service-learning has consolidated a powerful line of work that extends its practice in the classrooms of the national universities through the actions of solidarity service associated to the curriculum, developed in communities of students, faculties and community partners. Although international research shows a significant amount of contents focused on the benefits of applying this methodology in higher education students and their communities, there’s a dangerous shortage of literature about the many ethical challenges involved in this educational task, and significant influence of scientific production in English language in the field. Therefore, there is an urgent need to establish a state of the art on the subject, and identify aspects of production written in Anglo-Saxon language that could benefit in the Ibero-American context. The purpose of this study is to know the scientific production of the field of ethics related to the Service-Learning in the ERIC database. For this purpose, is performed a meta-analysis of 53 documents with the support of the Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS), with the Computer Mediated Discourse Analysis (CMDA) techniques and the Grounded Theory as a strategy for qualitative analysis. The results obtained allow to establish a starting point to guide the design and implementation of educational proposals related to the teaching of ethics and service-learning. This will allow the development of meaningful experiences that contribute to the construction of ethical, personal and professional senses.Descargas
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