Study protocol: a Strategy for deprescribing statins and ezetimibe in primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in patients older than 75 years

Health outcomes analysis.


  • Natalia Alzueta Isturiz


BACKGROUND // The benefit-risk balance of statins and ezetimibe as primary prevention of cardiovascular disease is controversial in elderly patients due to the doubts about their effectiveness and certainty about adverse effects. The aim of this paper was to analyze health outcomes of a statin and ezetimibe deprescription strategy in patients aged 75 or older treated with these drugs for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.

METHODS // An observational ambispective cohort study was made to evaluate health outcomes after the implementation of a strategy for deprescribing statins and ezetimibe in patients aged 75 or older who take these drugs for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. To avoid the risk of bias due to non-random assignment of patients to different groups, a propensity score will be calculated for each patient using logistic regression. The outcome of interest will be the deprescription or not of statins or ezetimibe. Time to hospital admission or death from any cause and other variables related to health outcomes will be analysed. Groups with and without statin or ezetimibe deprescription will be compared by survival analysis using Cox regression to estimate the hazard ratio.

CONCLUSIONS // It is expected to obtain health outcomes of the strategy of deprescribing statins and ezetimibe in primary prevention in patients aged 75 or older. They will provide information on the advisability of continuing the strategy.



