The articulation of digital sovereignty in the European Union


  • Margarita Robles Carrillo Universidad de Granada



For some time now, European digital sovereignty has been the core of a political, institutional and doctrinal debate that has also been transferred to the normative sphere in such a way that it is becoming a structural, functional and axiological component of the European digital model. As in the case of its precedent in the physical world, this is a controversial category for various reasons which justify the need and interest for its analysis. The first reason relates to the context itself in which digital sovereignty has to operate -the digital one- where it coexists with an apparently similar but different concept, which is the so-called principle of cyber sovereignty. Secondly, a problem arises regarding its basis, on which there is no agreement within the European framework. Thirdly, there is a fundamental conceptual issue, which is aggravated by a relative lack of terminological precision and the presence of various proposals for definitions, which also illustrate the lack of consensus on the subject. Finally, there is the question of its nature, whose analysis helps to identify some basic parameters for the understanding of European digital sovereignty.



