Costas; concesiones de marismas; concesión compensatoria; régimen transitorio


  • Eva Desdentado Daroca


Coast, concessions to drain or fill marshlands, compensatory concessions


There are still nowadays different economical activities on the marshlands which were once drained or filled. The Coast Act of 1988 establishes that the old concessions that allow these activities may continue «in their own terms». In spite of that, there is delegated legislation which provides that all these concessions will finish on 2018. The legality of this measure is controversial and its application will have severe socioeconomic effects. For these reasons, it urges to find an adequate solution to the problem and several proposals in this direction have been made in the last months. This article studies how we have arrived to such a critical situation, analyses the different proposals that have been made to solve the problem and advocates for a reform of the present regulation of the marshlands’ concessions.


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