Principio de congruencia, prohibición de la reformatio in peius y deber judicial de resolver con arreglo a la motivación jurídica correcta


  • Laura Salamero Teixidó


Jurisdiction for judicial review, principle of congruence, principle of non reformatio in peius, ultra vires action in an eminent domain process


The conjunction of substantive and adjective Law constitutes one of the fundamentals of the judicial function. An example thereof is the Supreme Court’s judgement of June 7, 2011, in hich the principles of congruence and of non reformatio in peius play such an important role, that an eminent domain process containing an ultra vires action is finally rendered into an urgent eminent domain process. The particular features of this case offer the opportunity to review the fitting of the aforementioned procedural principles in the jurisdiction for judicial review and, especially, their application by the Supreme Court to this case.