Regional Planning in Euskadi: its contribution to a balanced and sustainable territorial and urban development




Spatial planning, Sustainability, Regional Planning Guidelines (DOT), Territorial and urban model, Governance


The Architects´ Council of Spain (CSCAE) has awarded the National Urban Planning Award 2020 to the Regional Planning Guidelines (DOT) of the Basque Country, revised and approved by Decree 128/2019. This award is undoubtedly a recognition of the consolidated practice of spatial planning in the Basque Country. The first Regional Planning Guidelines (DOT) of 1997 started the long road of tackling the planning of the different land uses in the territory through a comprehensive way, and they did so with an innovative element: the binding nature of some of its determinations, which thus ceased to be simple recommendations, and became mandatory standards.These new Regional Planning Guidelines of 2019 represent the new territorial strategy in the Basque Country until the 2040 horizon, and seek to guarantee a sustainable use of the territory, without compromising the resources for future generations. Its great novelty comes from the introduction of a series of cross-cutting issues that give new meanings to the proposal, such as: the gender perspective, health, population aging, climate change, mobility, circular economy, or governance. Last but not least, its great value is being the result of a collective work in which there has been an important institutional and citizen participation, resulting in a document that has reached consensus in all Basque Administrations.



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How to Cite

Leturiondo Aranzamendi, A., & de la Puerta Rueda, I. (2021). Regional Planning in Euskadi: its contribution to a balanced and sustainable territorial and urban development. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 53(209).