Tourism metropolitanization: the case of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona




Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Sustainable tourism, Strategic plan, Tourist housing


The rise of the tourist phenomenon in the city of Barcelona had its momentum in the 1992 Olympic Games. At that time, the city was placed on the map of potential visitors as a destination of interest, and since then the number of international tourists has increased, year after year. Such a volume of temporary population also becomes a priority for the local administration, being a subject of debate in the city's municipal action plans. At first, to promote and attract interest in the city, and thus to develop it touristically. However, from the Strategic Plans of 2015 and 2020, the main objective is to limit touristification among other negative impacts, and to find a way to reconcile the temporality of visitors with the daily life of residents. Since one of the characteristics of tourism is that its effects expand on the immediate environment, the purpose of this study is to analyze the impact that the tourism activity of a consolidated destination as Barcelona has in its urban functional area, specifically in the so-called AMB (Metropolitan Area of Barcelona).


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How to Cite

Crespi-Vallbona, M. (2021). Tourism metropolitanization: the case of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 53(209).