"La Compañía Urbanizadora Metropolitana". His role in Madrid before the Spanish civil war


  • Luis Galiana Martín


"La Compañía Urbanizadora Metropolitana" (CUM) is a real estate company that was created in 1918 linked to "La Compañía Metropolitano Alfonso XIII", which is the concessionaire society of Madrid's subway. The C. U. M. started its real estate activities by building the "Avenida de Reina Victoria" and the "Parque Metropolitano" in the West of Madrid ("Cuatro Caminos" and "La Moncloa"). The C. U. M. can be considered a peculiar company that dealt with new business operations: linkage to financial capital, opposition to the established planning norms, the performance of several necesary urban development activities. The purpose of this work is the analysis of this imaginative urban development operation which explains the present-day morphology of this area of Madrid


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How to Cite

Galiana Martín, L. (1987). "La Compañía Urbanizadora Metropolitana". His role in Madrid before the Spanish civil war. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (70), 43–54. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/82150