How complex is the urban fabric of the city of Madrid? An analysis of the land use mix at the cadastral plot level
Complex city, Cadastre, Land use, Land Use Mix, MadridAbstract
Urban complexity refers to the mix of functions or uses in the city. It is related to the city of proximity or the so-called "15-minute city" models. These city models are receiving increasing media and citizen attention. Accordingly, we propose to carry out a diagnosis of the current situation in the city of Madrid. Cadastral data are used to identify those areas of Madrid where there is a complex urban fabric, with a mix of residential and other uses, and those areas where a single use predominates. The analysis is carried out at the cadastral parcel level, although general analyses are also carried out at the district and urban sector levels. The results show a clear association between complex urban fabrics and the historic city, as well as a residential specialization of the north of Madrid.
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