The need to rethink Urban and Territorial Planning


  • Sebastiá Jornet Arquitecto Urbanista



Renewal urbanism, Urban Master Plans, Requiem developable land, Urban Recycling, Decent housing, Territorial Planning


Spanish Urban Planning presents evident symptoms of fatigue and aging, symptoms that have been shown in a special way over the last few years, and that have clearly emerged with the profound changes that we have witnessed with the new century. The present paper promotes a renewed look at Urban Planning, proposing the necessary changes and updates of the basic pillars that have supported the instrumental and the content of the main tools of Spanish Urban Planning, which have been the basis of its recent regulation and management, and that clearly have shown to be outdated, inadequate, rigid, obsolete and -to a certain extent- contrary to the principles and purposes that they pursue.


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How to Cite

Jornet, S. (2023). The need to rethink Urban and Territorial Planning. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 55(217), 741–756.