The apparent twilight of the plan: Torrelavega, an opportunity for the renewal of the model




Renew, Recreate, Rural landscape, Agrarian resource, Green ecological corridors


Territorial and urban development has been evolving at a different rhythm than the normative regulation of planning instruments; even though, urban planning, regardless of the content provided for in the legislation, has been including new social and environmental requirements, developing a previous territorial strategy or its own objectives. The Plan has been transformed over time, identifying itself with the site, ordering and structuring different territories from an apparent instrumental uniformity. Introducing landscape, mobility, green infrastructure, local agriculture into the definition of municipal planning has been a necessity and a challenge in the definition of general planning instruments, as is the case of Torrelavega. Planning has become an adventure which allows us to recreate new ways of inhabiting, relating to each other, protecting and using a territory. The form, the package, is less important than the intrinsic content of the Plan; it is possible to approach the needs of a challenging and complex city as Torrelavega using existing instruments, through the introduction of new patterns which allow an immersion in the exciting urban and territorial planning world.


Ayuntamiento de Torrelavega. Plan General de Ordenación Urbana 1985.

Ayuntamiento de Torrelavega. Plan General de Ordenación Urbana 2019. Documento en tramitación.

Delgado Viñas, C & Lagüera Díaz, S (2020): Morfología urbana, infraestructuras ferroviarias y crecimiento económico en las ciudades cántabras. Investigaciones Geográficas (74), 85-112.

Gobierno de Cantabria. Plan estratégico ambiental de la cuenca Saja-Besaya 2030.

Gobierno de Cantabria. Dirección General de Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio. Plan Regional de Ordenación Territorial. Documento borrador 2021.

Ministerio de Transportes Movilidad y Agenda Urbana. Áreas urbanas en España 2021.

Nogués Linares, S (1987): Torrelavega, un espacio industrializado. Los procesos territoriales generados por las grandes empresas industriales en el entorno Saja-Besaya. El caso de Solvay & Cia y SNIACE (1900-1960). Torrelavega: Ayuntamiento de Torrelavega.



How to Cite

Andrés-Mateo, C., & Masiá-González, L. (2023). The apparent twilight of the plan: Torrelavega, an opportunity for the renewal of the model. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 55(217), 927–940.