Ecosocial transition strategies from architecture and tourism: de-urbanisation and ecological recovery projects in coastal destinations




Ecosocial transition, De-urbanisation, Nature-based solutions, Coastal destinations, Sustainable tourism management


Mediterranean coasts are fragile ecotones with population growth, economic activity and urbanisation; they are urban-tourist growth machines. They also present economic, social and ecological problems in global chronic crisis. Their overdimension is a barrier to ecosocial transition. Degrowth promotes the reduction of economic, constructive and territorial metabolism and ecological adaptation. Their spatial and architectural practices are rare. The academy has neither analysed nor characterised existing practices. The research analyses de-urbanisation, de-construction and environmental recovery projects, which respond to the overconstruction of tourist coasts. They are references for the management of policies and strategies for the eco-social transition and ecological recovery of tourist destinations. Systematisation facilitates replicability.


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How to Cite

Romero-Martínez, J. M., Del-Castillo-Sánchez, A., & Romero-Padilla, Y. (2024). Ecosocial transition strategies from architecture and tourism: de-urbanisation and ecological recovery projects in coastal destinations. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 56(219), 7–26.