Methodology for the measurement of thermal and lighting comfort in public spaces (Ibagué, Colombia)
Light comfort, Public space, Security, Thermal comfort, Urban edgeAbstract
Some urban areas grow informally and develop their public spaces in hard-to-reach areas, facing issues of insecurity, pollution, and infrastructure deficiencies. A clear example of this can be seen in the neighborhoods of Jardín Comuneros, Hato de la Virgen, and Ciudadela Simón Bolívar, stages I and II, in Ibagué. Therefore, the objective of this research is to develop a methodology based on the qualitative assessment of lighting-visual and thermal comfort, leading to the identification of criteria regarding materiality, condition, population groups, schedules, tree planting, and lighting sources. Based on this analysis, some recommendations are generated to intervene in the play and contemplation areas (referred to as parks in Colombia), aiming for optimal conditions for their appropriation in terms of material, vegetation, and lighting. These recommendations can be applied to any public space, particularly in marginalized areas where it is difficult to bring specialized technological equipment.
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