Industrial systems in the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina: approach through the characterization of Local Economic Areas
Territory, Society, Scales, Regional varieties, Subnational spacesAbstract
The province of Santa Fe (Argentina), home to one of the main agro-exporting ports in the
world, contains a complex mosaic of interrelated economic spaces. The aim of this paper is to advance
in its characterization based on the socio-territorial structuring of its industrial systems. The notion of
Local Economic Area (ELA) is taken as a reference within the framework of a set of more general premises
on the structuring of industrial systems. Three sets of indicators are analyzed: the location patterns
of companies in relation to the urban structure, the density of employees and companies, and
the degree of socio-economic integration or duality. Finally, this is contrasted with changes in the
number of employees and employers between 2006 and 2020 and concluded by drawing a set of stylized
facts characteristic of ELAs.
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