Simulation of different urban canyons configurations to determine outdoor thermal comfort in an arid city (La Paz) of México
Urban canyon, Local Climate Zone, Sky View Factor, Physiological Equivalent TemperatureAbstract
In recent years, urban microclimate research on urbanization and land use distribution has predominated. Consequently, research has focused on understanding the microclimate impacts of urban structures, materials, and vegetation. The present study aims to analyze the effects of urban canyons morphology (aspect ratio, orientation, and vegetation) and their impact on thermal comfort. Four urban canyons were evaluated, and the results indicate that each canyon's orientation and spatial configuration influence the climatic parameters associated with the PET(Phisiologycal Equivalent Temperature) index. The information obtained will make it possible to establish actions from urban and territorial planning to generate energy consumption solutions and improve the inhabitants' health by avoiding thermal and heat stress.
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