Arithmetic, paradigms or grammar: the announced bewilderment of urban planners


  • Damián Quero-Castanys Arquitecto



Far-from-equilibrium, Systems, Dissipative, Structures, Topology, Geography, Lexicon


Along the last decade urbanism has been, step by step, lost its capacity as urban tool. Those who had been sustaining up to these days the thinking and teaching, and rejuvenated theory and practice, show a high unease by this wreck of the discipline and the fading of its conceptual bases. This contribution appears when the risk of definitive cancellation of urbanism is already evident; however high expectations for regeneration are here still maintained. A so-called new paradigm replaces now sociology with ecology, biology takes place of anthropology, and an ambiguous concept of nature replaces geography. This positivist concept of territory is alien to the present situation of sciences, and the logic structure of its concepts remain unknown. This document proposes regeneration by recovering connection with the thinking lost, the inner links between research and project, and renewing lexicon and syntax by means of present notions of structure, matter and time in such a way these could make the city a scientific object of the discipline of urbanism.


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How to Cite

Quero-Castanys, D. (2022). Arithmetic, paradigms or grammar: the announced bewilderment of urban planners. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 54(M), 251–258.