Urban complexity and its relationship with the morphology of urban fabrics and proximity


  • Salvador Rueda-Palenzuela Ecólogo urbano. Director de la Fundación de Ecología Urbana y Territorial. Director de la Agencia de Ecología Urbana de Barcelona 2000/2020




Urban complexity, Information, Mixed uses, Proximity, Urban morphology


The article addresses urban complexity and its measurement through information theory. Part of the theoretical body that academic ecology uses in natural ecosystems is transferred to urban ecosystems. The diversity of living species used to measure the complexity of natural systems becomes the diversity of legal entities (organized urban entities) in urban systems to measure the complexity of their organization. In order to extend the way of measuring urban complexity, the NACE (taxonomy of legal entities in Europe) is chosen and an iconographic dictionary is defined to generate urban messages (each organized entity has an icon that represents it). The amount of information that each message contains will be measured through the diversity of legal entities.

The relationship of complexity with morphology and density of urban fabrics is analyzed. The combination of both concepts defines the proximity to (and between) organized entities. The urban morphologies that include the highest values of urban diversity with a lower consumption of land and energy are also analyzed.


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How to Cite

Rueda-Palenzuela, S. (2022). Urban complexity and its relationship with the morphology of urban fabrics and proximity. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 54(M), 227–250. https://doi.org/10.37230/CyTET.2022.M22.10