Healthy neighbourhoods, from the renovation and design of public space in neighbourhoods




Health, Public space, Urban determinants, Handbooks, Revegetation


The article aims to design the renovation of neighbourhoods in consolidated cities, from the public space, seeking to improve the urban environment and therefore the health of its inhabitants. The research is based on several premises in urban health: (i) urban planning is a discipline capable of solving the problems derivative from urban activities; (ii) the urban environment determines some of the diseases of the population; and (iii) public space is a great opportunity to address a deep renovation from its environmental and social quality. The research methodology is based on a systematic search for Plans, Projects, Guides and Handbooks in each of these three sections, and concludes with a series of socio-environmental actions for the neighbourhoods where greenery will be one of the main substantive pillars to address them


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How to Cite

Higueras-García, E., & Ezquiaga-Domínguez, J. M. (2022). Healthy neighbourhoods, from the renovation and design of public space in neighbourhoods. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 54(M), 113–130.