Poliurbanity: strategies to contribute to centrality on precarious urban territories





Poliurbanity, New centralities, Precarious territories, Peripheric condition, Urban regeneration, Territorial regeneration


Coining a new concept such as poliurbanity opens a range of possibilities to integrate unique attributes and qualities for the precarious territories in the contemporary metropolis. Taking for granted the ineludible rights of the citizens that inhabit our peripheric neighbourhoods and peri-urban settlements, strategies are proposed to improve habitability through new centralities and alternative access to essential services. The three strategies presented are the insertion of central spaces in vulnerable areas through the adequation of interstitial spaces between precarious tissues, the conversion of infrastructural barriers and the implementation of mobiles hyperspaces. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the text concludes by pointing at the necessity to pay   attention to the specific solutions, in terms of homogeneity and with the “poliurbanity” as a new resource.


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How to Cite

Cervera-Alonso de Medina, M., Llop-Torné, C., & Peremiquel-Lluch, F. (2022). Poliurbanity: strategies to contribute to centrality on precarious urban territories. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 54(M), 67–86. https://doi.org/10.37230/CyTET.2022.M22.3