Social mixing policies, a trend or a solution to the housing problem?:an analysis of two case studies in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Social mixing, Housing policy, State Housing, Urban regeneration, Upgrading slums, Buenos AiresAbstract
We explore the processes that gave rise to the recent housing policies of "residential social mix" and "urban regeneration" in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (Argentina), as well as the characteristics that their designs and implementations assumed. We will do so based on two case studies: one of state-built housing built on the unfinished route, in a peri-central area of the City of Buenos Aires, zone currently undergoing a process of urban renewal, and another of state-built housing as part of the re-urbanisation of a popular neighbourhood in the Municipality of Avellaneda (Province of Buenos Aires). Through interviews with different population profiles, we investigated the potential and limitations of this type of intervention, problematizing to what extent it is oriented towards the production of a more egalitarian city or constitutes enabling discourses of exclusionary practices
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