Landscape Strategies from Participatory Action in the city of Zamora


  • Esther Prada-Llorente Doctora en Arquitectura-Máster en Investigación Antropológica. Consultora en Territorio, Paisaje, Patrimonio-Profesora asociada ETSIAAB-UPM



Landscape, Zamora, Strategies


The City Council of Zamora through the Department of Tourism, Commerce and Neighborhoods intends to accommodate citizen participation in the assessment, recovery of memory and improvement of the urban landscape. Within the framework of the proposal of the city and a wide territory to UNESCO Cultural Landscape, small cultural experiences inserted in the specific reality of different neighborhoods are used. To this end, it is proposed to open processes of reflection-action to adjust responses to initiatives and proposals of its inhabitants from a new perspective, objectives that can favor processes of reappropriation of peri-urban spaces and cultural itineraries, as well as regeneration of the memory of their scenery.


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How to Cite

Prada-Llorente, E. (2021). Landscape Strategies from Participatory Action in the city of Zamora. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 54(211), 199–206.