Gentrification from a gender perspective: evidence from Barcelona




Social and urban transformation, Gentrification, Gender, Barcelona


This article examines the recent processes of social and urban transformation in Barcelona in order to identify differential experiences and behaviours between men and women. We start from a quantitative exploration, from a gender perspective, of the sociodemographic gentrification processes experienced in Barcelona between 2011-2018. We follow with a qualitative analysis based on interviews to residents and observations in community groups in Sant Antoni, a neighbourhood of Barcelona that has experienced intense transformations of its urban and social fabric. We focus on the impact of gentrification on women with diverse identities who live under strong job and residential insecurity, and female residents who recently arrived to the neighbourhood attracted by its centrality and the concentration of services and retail activities.


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How to Cite

Ortiz-Guitart, A., López-Gay, A., Sales-Favá, J., & Solana-Solana, M. (2021). Gentrification from a gender perspective: evidence from Barcelona. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 53(210).