Equidistribution in the regeneration and renovation urban integrated intervention: the new paradigm for urban intervention in the existing city





Urban planning, Existing city, Regeneration, Viability, Share of benefits and burdens


The Sustainable Economy Law of 2011, developed by RDL 8/2011 and the L3R, revealed both the unsustainability of the Spanish urban model and the need to intervene differently in the existing city. However, “regeneration” as such has been a failure, as it continues to rely on subsidies and prevails among urban planners’ confidence in traditional techniques to solve the problem of degradation of the existing city. There is a full mistrust in the utility of the new models of intervention and even a deny that there is any legal novelty. The authors understand that one of the barriers of the regeneration and renewal integrated intervention (aMU-RRi) is its novel nature and the complexity of the new share of benefits and burdens model, so they proceed to develop it in the confidence that this will push forward its absolutely unavoidable implementation.


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How to Cite

Cerezo-Ibarrondo, Álvaro, & Tejerina-González, J. I. (2021). Equidistribution in the regeneration and renovation urban integrated intervention: the new paradigm for urban intervention in the existing city. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 54(211), 19–36. https://doi.org/10.37230/CyTET.2022.211.2