Urban General Plan of Murcia 2001
Urban planning, Murcia, Spanish real estate bubble, Building actions, Urban transformations actionsAbstract
Four features of the planning activity of Murcia since the approval of the Plan General de Ordenación Urbana of 2001 have caused different transformations on the territory and define challenges for the future urban development of the municipality. In this article, the typology of planning actions of the current Ley de Suelo y Rehabilitación Urbana, 7/2015, is used to evaluate this activity. The activity in the different phases of planning, management and urbanization of the urban transformation actions is analysed. Also, the impact on the pre-existing fabrics by building actions its studied. The results show a very high planning activity, even for a period of real estate bubble and the impact of the liberalizing urban planning approach at the level of building actions.
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