Welcoming Cities: areas of Opportunity and Critical Factors of Integration for Migrants





Welcoming cities, Areas of opportunity, Migrants Integration, Urban obsolescence, Innovation


Cities mainly absorb migratory flows, which are increasing and becoming more permanent. Are there optimal cities or urban areas to welcome migrants which may facilitate their integration, while benefiting from their arrival? Declining cities and obsolete urban areas are considered as “areas of opportunity”, and the spatial impact of the integration of migrants in them is analyzed, in the cases of Detroit shrinking city and in the obsolete industrial fabrics of New York. What are the critical factors to achieve the integration of migrants in cities? They are drawn from studying refugee integration strategies in Europe in 2015, in the Netherlands and in Germany and its main cities. It is possible to conclude that migration is an urban development resource which requires available housing and employment, and therefore innovation.


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How to Cite

Canet-Rosselló, J. (2021). Welcoming Cities: areas of Opportunity and Critical Factors of Integration for Migrants. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 54(211), 137–160. https://doi.org/10.37230/CyTET.2022.211.8