Mexico City´s bike plan: a bike mobility strategy




Bike mobility, Bike plan, Logistic regression, Mexico City, Bike infraestructure


Since 2010, a Bicycle Mobility Strategy has been implemented in Mexico City. This article presents the methodology used to design this strategy using data from the 2017 Origin Destination
Survey. We use a logistic regression to estimate the probability of using a bike in each trip along segments between origins and destinations of the main road network of the city. Results show the socioeconomic characteristics of persons that choose bikes as their transportation mode and allow us to prioritize road segments in terms of their probability of use to guide the construction of
the bike lane network.


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How to Cite

Suárez-Lastra, M., Galindo-Pérez, C., & Reyes-García, V. (2022). Mexico City´s bike plan: a bike mobility strategy. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 54(213), 665–682.