Citizen participation in the design of urban policies: the case of Villa Gesell (Argentina) in 2018




Citizen participation, Public policies, Governance, Decentralization, Urban development


In this article, two instruments of citizen participation are analyzed, applied in Villa Gesell (Buenos Aires, Argentina) from the year 2018; promoted by the local government for citizen participation in the formulation of a new urban regulation. The objective of this article is to elucidate to what extent these mechanisms are transformed -or not- into real tools of democratization of decisions related to local territorial development. To do this, we worked with a methodology based on participant observation, as well as on the analysis of official documentation and interviews with key informants. Thus, the article makes it possible to contribute to the discussion regarding the role that this type of instrument plays as legitimators of public policies, as well as the limitations that they may present regarding the scope of popular decisions.


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How to Cite

Stramigioli, J. (2021). Citizen participation in the design of urban policies: the case of Villa Gesell (Argentina) in 2018. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 53(209).