“Vías y entrevías”: attributes and commitments of the industrial district of Tarragona
Vías y entrevías, Infraestructures, City General Form, Industrialization, TarragonaAbstract
This paper presents an analysis of the form and structures aiming to understand the foundational logics, assessing urban events impacts and phenomena, and revealing Tarragona industrial districts attributes. It recognizes the duality that has been caused between a periphery marked by infrastructures determination and their marginal condition, and a city that, traditionally deals with its urban center rationalization. It also describes the transformation of a territory that has achieved its occupation supporting itself on the strength of unrelated layouts and which would have procured urban exclusion in the space created, and analyses how urban possibilities are taking root amidst these conflicts. It examines the initiatives of urban planning as a reflection of the social and technological changes, boosted by the expansion and development policies that marked this period. The article concludes with the recognition of how socioeconomic structures have been deployed in this territory, vindicating the Tarragona pending urban project for this industrial periphery.
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