European Territorial Agenda 2030: a political framework action-oriented towards the objective of territorial cohesion
European Territorial Agenda evolution, Integrated Strategic Spacial Planning, Territorial Cohesion, European Recovery Plan, Smart Specialization StrategiesAbstract
Before next programming period 2021-2077 starts, Territorial Agenda 2030 was presented past 1st December 2020, under the German presidency. It represents a new step, started with the approval of the European Territorial Strategy in 1999, to make territory and spatial planning key factor for the objective of territorial cohesion and a just and green Europe. For Territorial Agenda implementation an action plan has been proposed, with at the moment six pilot actions that will be developed by stakeholders and administrations at different levels; the real players, more than European institutions. Beyond reporting funds, it is aimed at a higher quality of planning and programming of actions, exchanging experiences and learning, to improve their impacts on each place.
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