The new Leipzig Charter 2020: activating the transformative power of European cities.




Sustainable Urban Development, Europe, Cohesion Policy, European Urban Agenda


On November 30th, 2020, the New Leipzig Charter 2020 (NCL 2020) was approved at the Informal Meeting of EU Ministers responsible for Urban Development. This document aims to safeguard and reinforce the quality of life of European cities and towns, for which it assumes as a basic principle the search for the common good using the transformative power of cities. In summary, the NCL 2020 is committed to the motto of a "more just, green and productive" city which requires resources, good leadership and solid urban governance, including support of all administrative levels and of all stakeholders involved in urban development. It affirms that it is necessary to support these transformations through integrated, place based, multilevel and participatory approaches. Finally, it recognizes the important role of Cohesion Policy in supporting sustainable and integrated urban development in Europe, as well as the importance of the EU Urban Agenda established in the 2016 Amsterdam Pact.


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How to Cite

De Santiago-Rodríguez, E. (2021). The new Leipzig Charter 2020: activating the transformative power of European cities. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 53(208), 567–582.