Bellavista Urban expansión, Ancud, Chile – 2019/20


  • Consultora CEPA Consultora de Estudios y Proyectos Ambientales



Urban expansion, Bellavista, Ancud, Chile


Urban expansion of 60 hectares for about 3,000 permanent inhabitants, for the city of Ancud, with about 50,000 inhabitants, in the north of the Island of Chiloé, Chilean Patagonia, which began to be projected in 2019 and begins to be built in 2021. The CEPA team was called by the notable Chilean Architect Edward Rojas to develop this great private enterprise as a comprehensive Master Plan, which will guide the future of the entire city of Ancud, where Arq. Rojas would develop the architecture projects. It is characterized by retaking the concepts of expansion and not of peri-urban expansion, the desire to integrate social housing with the best social and recreational facilities, and an effort to generate the greatest diversity compatible with a true piece of the city, also providing centrality in the southern area of Ancud.


Pesci, R (2020): Dibujar el Mundo. Editorial Fundación CEPA

Mc Harg , I (1969): Diseñar con la naturaleza. Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.L

Autores varios (2007): Proyectar la Sustentabilidad. Editorial Ambiente



How to Cite

CEPA, C. (2021). Bellavista Urban expansión, Ancud, Chile – 2019/20. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 53(208), 527–534.