Media agenda and frames of housing problem and social vulnerability




Housing, Agenda-setting, Framing, Press, Spain


This paper explores the representation of housing problems by the mass media, constructing a characteristic image for public opinion and political actors, in the conflict / negotiation between mass media agendas and their frames. This manufactured image complies as an evaluation and action parameter by the different actors involved. The objective is to investigate the media image of housing in Spain from a multiple approach, consisting of setting mass media agendas and framing of the most relevant issues, such as an expansion and refinement in the way of understanding the housing problem.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Gutiérrez, E., & Goenaga-Ruiz de Zuazu, M. (2021). Media agenda and frames of housing problem and social vulnerability. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 53(M), 13–26.