Sustainable mobility in cities of the XXI century: road perspectives in Bogotá-Colombia and Guadalajara-México
Infraestructures, Urban mobility, Accident rate, SustainabilityAbstract
Traffic accidents are a problem for decision-makers in the public sector. It is expected that if this trend continues, by 2030 mortality from road events would rank as the fifth leading cause worldwide. Thus, the objective analyzes the scenario of two metropolitan cities that have applied road infrastructure aimed at the sustainability of urban mobility. For this, a qualitative evaluation scale is developed and, through traffic accident statistics, the patterns of use of pedestrian, cycling, and mass public transport infrastructure are identified and compared. It is expected that if these measures continue to be implemented, the cities of Bogotá-Colombia and Guadalajara-Mexico would have a reduction in mortality rates from road accidents of more than 30%
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Copyright (c) 2022 YEFER ASPRILLA LARA, MARIO GUADALUPE GONZALEZ PEREZ, Darin Jairo Mosquera Palacios
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