Valladolid 2020 Urban Master Plan, on the sunny side of the Street


  • Manuel Saravia-Madrigal Concejal de Planeamiento Urbanístico y Vivienda del Ayuntamiento de Valladolid



Urban Planning, Urban Master Plan, Valladolid, City strategy, Urbanism


This paper presents the main ideas of the recent Urban Master Plan of Valladolid city, approved in 2020. The text addresses its main strategic proposals about the city model, urban structure and infrastructures, putting them in relation to previous planning and future urban challenges. Special emphasis is placed on the need to build a friendly city for citizens, expressive of rights. From a more technical point of view, land classification is described and the main characteristics of the planning and normalization of urban determinations are presented. The paper also summarizes, in a self-critical way, the process of preparing the plan and the public participation. Finally, and in relation to the challenges revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is reflection on its impact in the city and the promotion of urban resilience.


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How to Cite

Saravia-Madrigal, M. (2021). Valladolid 2020 Urban Master Plan, on the sunny side of the Street. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 53(207), 229–256.