Methodological proposal for the study of livestock trails from the landscape: application to the Cordel de Gambogaz (Seville)
Moving landscape, Livestock trails, Landscape characterization, Methodological proposalAbstract
The relationship between walking, the contemplation of the landscape and the network of roads and livestock trails is argued by resorting to the origin of these roads, that is, trails designed to facilitate the movement of animals at the slow pace of herds and shepherds. Although the function of transhumance is currently residual, the livestock trails are being recovered and used by the competent administrations, with the aim of improving the articulation of the territory through which they pass, favoring biodiversity and landscape diversification in urban environments and, to a large extent, responding to the new citizen demands related to leisure, sports and recreational activities typical of today's society. This work makes a methodological proposal for these public itineraries from the intervention in the landscape, taking as a case study a livestock trail of the Metropolitan Green Corridor of Seville, the Cordel de Gambogaz, which runs between the capital of Seville and the town of Santiponce.
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