Logistics sprawl in the urban mega-region of Madrid: the space of the supply chain between dispersion and centrality





Urban Planning, Logistics, Madrid, New Metropolitan Regions, Sprawl


New ways of distribution and retail in big cities produce significant changes in the implementation of a new logistics operative model in urban regions. This paper shows the evolution of that model and the tendencies of a so-called freight village in the Urban Megaregion of Madrid through the sequential analysis 1998-2008-2018. The resulting model, some kind of “logistics sprawl”, emerges out of a number of tendencies from the basis of a complex and evolving scenario. Although some of these tendencies are consolidated (the logistics arch formed by roads A2-A4), others (gravity center analysis vs distance, medium size and warehousing establishments types) respond to adjustments from economic environment, the new distribution models and retail and shopping habits, permitting data collection for a prospective analysis and eventual planning and decision making.


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How to Cite

Rivera-Blasco, D., & Ruiz-Sánchez, J. (2021). Logistics sprawl in the urban mega-region of Madrid: the space of the supply chain between dispersion and centrality. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 53(207), 95–118. https://doi.org/10.37230/CyTET.2021.207.06