Integrated approach as a new challenge for urban planning and management: review of perspectives, approaches and tools for territorial intervention
Integrality, Integrated Urban Management, Governance, Integrated Urban Planning, Zones of Public InterestAbstract
Integrated approach as a concept has recently begun to gain relevance in the design and implementation of public policies, establishing itself as one of the main forms of urban management.
Associated with the intervention of the territory in a multidimensional way, however, for many, it has become part of the neoliberal rhetoric. In order to open the debate regarding the need to review the new approach as a tool to address territorial equity, the study works from the analysis of different concepts and types of urban interventions that have been imposed with the challenge to achieve integrality.
This was complemented by the review and analysis of the implementation methodology of the Public Interest Zones developed by the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism of Chile, with the aim to install a comprehensive work methodology that is committed to the articulation of actions in the territory.
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