The Quarries Park on San Cristobal Hill: the ages of territory




The Santiago Metropolitan Park ;, the Cerro San Cristóbal Quarries


The Santiago Metropolitan Park launched a tender call for an architectural competition on the design, conservation, and enhancement of the Cerro San Cristóbal Quarries. Winning the project gives us the opportunity to take over a territory that had been exploited, since the 18th century, to obtain stone for the construction of the incipient city of Santiago. The project proposes the recognition of the place’s geology on different scales, as an approach to design, placing the intervention in a broader context through historical research spanning different ages of the territory.


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Klohn, C. (1960): Geología de la Cordillera de los Andes del Chile Central. Boletín Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas, Editorial Universitaria, 8.

Medina Torres, J. (2003): Cerro San Cristóbal, El gran balcón de Santiago, Cuadernos del Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales, Tema 70, Segunda Serie, 68.

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How to Cite

Chauriye, R., Bozzi, D., & Stäger, B. (2020). The Quarries Park on San Cristobal Hill: the ages of territory. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 52(206).