Urban analysis of the next multi-airport system of the city of Bogotá (Colombia)





Multi-airport system, Urban/territorial Development, Air transport, Bogotá


El Dorado International Airport” in the city of Bogotá (capital of Colombia) started operations at the end of the 1950s and also a few years later began an important urban development in its environment that continues to the present. On the other hand, and since the liberalization of air transport in the country (1991), air traffic has increased highly, which led to the execution of two extensions of the airport. The demand projection requires, in the short term, new and relevant extensions, but strong restrictions (like the lack of available land and environmental reasons) make any new expansion impossible. For this reason, and since five years ago, the development of a new airport - now known as “El Dorado II” (15 km from the current airport, and which is estimated to start operations in 2027/2028)- is in progress, which will serve the city of Bogotá and its area of influence. This article presents an analysis with an urban/territorial focus of the next multi-airport system for the city of Bogotá.


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How to Cite

Díaz-Olariaga, Óscar. (2020). Urban analysis of the next multi-airport system of the city of Bogotá (Colombia). Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 52(206). https://doi.org/10.37230/CyTET.2020.206.12