Labor exclusion due to mobility: the case of Quito (Ecuador)




Urban development, Labor exclusion, Mobility, Access to employment, Quito


This research analyses whether in the city of Quito mobility is a determining factor in access to employment, which would be conditioning the levels of development achieved. The results of the regression model through Ordinary Least Squares show that mobility is a factor of labor exclusion as it is inversely related to multidimensional poverty in the territory. In addition, the place of residence conditions the opportunities and perpetuates the structures that limit development. Specifically, the results suggest that the distance to the main source of income measured over time and the density of the means of transportation in each parish foster the generation of poverty.


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How to Cite

Herrero-Olarte, S. (2020). Labor exclusion due to mobility: the case of Quito (Ecuador). Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 52(206).