Airbnb in Donostia-San Sebastián: a sharing economy model?
Airbnb, Tourist accommodation, Touristification, Sharing economy, Donostia-San SebastiánAbstract
Airbnb has provided a disruptive innovation for the hotel sector and is promoting an increase in tourist arrivals in some cities. Donostia/San Sebastian is not unaware of this phenomenon and, thus, because of the proliferation of tourist accommodations in the last years, a variety of social and economic actors are drawing attention to this fact and demanding a wider control and regulation of this kind of services. Its defenders frame this phenomenon within the new model of sharing economy. However, based on statistical and geospatial analysis, our research suggests that this new type of platform would not comply with the premises of sharing economy, but rather a highly professionalized offer, particularly affecting central areas of the city, which could contribute to promoting a process of tourist gentrification.
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